widget Аудиогид

Reservation of rooms


Two guests
+ Add child

Check in date

22 September

Departure date

25 September


Two guests
+ Add child
23 September
25 September

Energy saving

To save electricity, and therefore minimize the carbon footprint, TASIGO hotel buildings are equipped with energy-saving equipment, which allows to save up to 44% of electricity.

100% LED lighting. Energy-saving appliances are installed in the rooms and industrial premises. Thanks to the large panoramic windows in public spaces and rooms, there is a lot of daylight in hotels, which allows to significantly save electricity consumption on sunny days. Heat preservation occurs due to the installed low-e windows and heat recovery. The same technologies allow us to keep the temperature cool in summer.

picture about page

"Earth Hour"

The thoughtful design of the buildings made it possible at the initial stage to make TASIGO buildings as adapted to energy conservation as possible. To attract guests' attention to climate problems, an Earth Hour is held once a month, minimizing lighting in public areas.

picture about page