widget Аудиогид

Reservation of rooms


Two guests
+ Add child

Check in date

22 September

Departure date

25 September


Two guests
+ Add child
23 September
25 September

About partners

By tracking the life cycle of products in the hotel, we not only control the production process, but also carefully consider the disposal of goods. By conducting close and interrelated work with suppliers and recyclers, we build a so-called closed cycle, during which we receive all the information about the origin and recycling. There is a direct connection between these processes: recyclers at the procurement stage explain which materials can be processed in Russia, and suppliers specify the possibility of manufacturing a product from these materials. Thus, we are one of the stages in the product lifecycle and a link in the chain of the circular economy.

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Manufacturers -Sugar "Rosshokolad"

It must be remembered that there are many manufacturers on the market, and among them there will certainly be someone who is not indifferent to the ideas of sustainable development; perhaps, to find him, you will have to negotiate with a dozen companies. As a result, there will definitely be a like-minded person. Our experience with the search for sugar packaging is a great example of this.

In Russia, the most popular packaging for sugar is a paper stick. However, it is only half paper: there is a thin plastic membrane inside, which makes it impossible to recycle such packaging. Due to the lack of demand, the supplier was not able to produce recyclable packaging. After a long search and negotiations with suppliers, a simple and eco–friendly solution was found - refined sugar in paper packaging. The supplier has developed an individual paper package, figured out how to save the batch during transportation, took into account all the legislative norms of the Russian Federation and delivers sugar to the hotel in a package that preserves the product and can be recycled.

The recycling infrastructure in Russia is at the initial stage of development. However, entrepreneurs are still trying to bring the recycling business to a new level, in which we support them very much and share information with our colleagues to increase the volume of recyclables in the region. The more high-quality raw materials are collected by the producers, the more profitable they can sell it to recyclers, the faster they invest in new equipment that will allow us to recycle even more waste.

Our partner "Ecograd"

Our partner "Ecograd" has increased its turnover by purchasing equipment for washing recyclables. We got a great opportunity to hand over the Tetra Pak, which other producers accepted only when it was clean.

The glass recycler "Ecosbor+" increased the turnover of glass and got the opportunity to work with several factories in Russia, which increases the chance of cooperation with companies producing glass packaging.

When the waste collection and recycling is only at the initial stage, you can do a lot wisely, working in close partnership and receiving feedback from representatives of different business areas.

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