widget Аудиогид

Reservation of rooms


Two guests
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Check in date

22 September

Departure date

25 September

Social projects

Two guests
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23 September
25 September

Social aspect

The social aspect concerns the issues of people's quality of life and their well-being. Increasing the social activity of business, the implementation of social and charitable projects aimed at reducing socio-economic inequality is one of the most important areas of sustainable development and one of the three principles of the ESG agenda.

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Communities of like-minded people

In order to achieve the goals of sustainable tourism, it is necessary to work with people both inside and outside the hotel. At TASIGO, we work daily to build internal and external communication and to create professional communities interested in achieving common goals. We are convinced that there is no place for competition in matters of environmental and social development, it is much more productive to combine efforts and share experience, creating a strong community of like-minded people and supporters of sustainable development in hospitality.

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Taking care of the environment, we always emphasize what we mean by this concept. For TASIGO employees, the environment begins beyond the hotel. Kazan Palace by TASIGO is a city hotel, which means that an environment is created by the citizens, with their ideas and needs. Our activities pay maximum attention to the communities of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan, we strive to establish communication with many social organizations. We are not limited by charity events and donations, we try to involve project participants in the activities of the hotel, providing them with platforms for master classes and implementing joint ideas.

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The community following the ideas of reasonable consumption and an eco-friendly lifestyle. It consists of both Kazan volunteers and experts who educate Kazan residents and advise businesses.


"Prijut cheloveka” ("Human shelter")

Social project of the independent noncommercial organization "Center of Social Rehabilitation and adaptation". The project helps homeless people to get food, overnight accommodation and clothes.


“Kot i pes” (“Cat and dog”) - shelter for stray animals

We work with several shelters for stray animals. In addition to the regular collection of medicines and feed, the hotel staff goes to shelters to volunteer.

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"Prijut cheloveka” ("Human shelter")

“Kot i pes” (“Cat and dog”) - shelter for stray animals